I realize that there are many out there who might be concerned about Obama's push for universal healthcare. While I am not fully educated about this issue (but will be seeking to know more about it) I believe that I have found a solution that makes everybody happy. What if every individual who claimed to be a follower of Christ wrote a letter to the president asking him to not continue to push for this government controlled healthcare but instead asked him to let the churches do their job and care for those who are sick. Think about it, most of the people I know are not really too sure of the whole free healthcare for everyone thing, so, maybe we can become the solution. We can take a place in society that we might possibly have been meant to take all along. I know that this probably sounds ridiculous, but, I'm mostly serious. What if as the body of Christ we rose up and sought to become the solution to the problem of the sick that need a doctor. Instead of criticizing the current solution that is being proposed offering another solution and actually being willing to be that solution. I don't know, I realize this post sounds a little ranty and I apologize for that. But this is one of those things that I feel like we could actually do something about if we all become of one mind and decided that we wanted to do something other than just sit around and criticize.
Also, I do realize that there are probably plenty of people out there who are offering their services to the sick that need them for free and that is absolutely great. But maybe the Church's "stance" on this issue should be, "We will take responsibility for those who are in need, it is not the government's job, it is Our job and we would gladly accept this responsibility if you would only give it to us." (or something like that.)
Yet, I fear that the church is not ready for that responsibility, is not wanting that responsibility, or would rather not attempt what seems to be impossible. For any of you who might take this line of thinking I offer to you the fact that we serve a great God, a God who is capable of providing and doing more than any of us could ever imagine if we would only follow and trust Him to do what He is capable of.
Maybe we are called to take care of the sick, maybe we are not, but, I believe that it is a calling that has been placed on our lives as a part of the redemption of all things and the coming of the Kingdom to earth. That is all.