Wednesday, May 13, 2009

abandon(the world). engage(the Kingdom).

These past eight months of my life I have learned a lot. I have learned not only about the world and those around me but I have also learned a great deal about myself.
I have been called as a follower of Christ to abandon my life as I thought it could be and instead jump on board with the Kingdom of God and everything that it has to offer. Truly seeking the Kingdom is a radical departure from American culture at large and sadly, can often be a radical departure from American Christianity. The reason for this is, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not normal, it is not safe, and often times it does not even make sense. But, it is not my job to decide which commands given by Jesus I want to obey, or which times I can fully trust God and which times I cannot. It is my job to abandon those things that I have been called out of and instead to engage the Kingdom, to seek the Lord, and to love those around me in a radical way.
By no means am I saying that I have this all figured out, abandoning is most definitely a process that at times can be very difficult. But it is something I am willing to sell out to and see where the Lord takes me. I began this blog so that I might find an outlet to write out thoughts and ideas that are already stewing inside of me, to externalize any information that I might have internalized through books, sermons, or music and things as such, and also to create a place that, should I find myself on any adventures this summer or anytime in the future, I would have a place that those who cared about said adventures could check up on me.
So, we'll see how this goes and if it blows up in my face, then so be it.